Quantum Reiki

The main component of any spiritual practice is to find a path that resonates in order to connect to our soul and way to communicate with our Higher Self. Energy work is a wonderful compliment to a meditation practice and a great platform to begin a spiritual journey. Quantum Reiki allows for a deeper awareness of the energy that is available to all of us and a connection to the higher part of ourselves.
$150 per session
What is Quantum Reiki
Reiki was first developed in 1922 by Japanese Buddhist Mikao Usui. Since its origination in Japan, Reiki has been adapted into varying cultural traditions across the world.
Rei = divine wisdom; Ki = universal life force
It is a technique based on the principle that the therapist can transfer universal energy into the recipient through the palms, to activate the natural healing processes of the body and restore physical and emotional well-being.
It is said to dissolve the illusions of fear and empowers the soul to reveal the authentic and loving truth as it fills the entire being with love, peace and a deep knowing that all obstacles can be overcome.
Within the context of a Quantum Reiki session, reiki energy serves as a tool to tune into the state and well-being of the chakra system in order to align the energy centers and allow for insight, changes or “upgrades” the higher self is wanting to provide in the moment. Each experience is unique and includes sound therapy and an intuitive reading. We all have unique gifts, a life purpose and life circumstances therefore each session is intuitively guided resulting in a unique outcome.
Quantum Reiki for Animals
Please note this healing modality is exactly the same if performed on humans as well as animal companions. If you are booking it for your pet, please provide a description of them in the agreement form on the following page. This modality has brought powerful results for many animal clients including horses, dogs, cats, guinea pigs, parrots and other birds. The meeting will be online face to face but after meeting the animal and connecting with them, they are free to move around as they like. This healing will also be recorded so you can play it back as needed.
What are Chakras
“Chakra” is a Sanskrit word for wheel or disk and refers to the energy centers within our body. Traditionally there are seven chakras which run from the base of the spine up to the crown as follows:

- The root chakra is located at the base of the spine and is the expression of our tribe which starts to develop at birth. The beliefs our tribe holds are usually incorporated as part of ourselves regarding abundance, our sense of belonging, deserving and being provided for. When this chakra is out of alignment it can show up as financial struggles, bowel issues and rectal troubles.
- The sacral chakra is located just below the navel and is the expression of partnership as we start to relate to others around us. The beliefs we hold about relating to another person within a partnership or friendship are associated with this chakra and imbalances can show up as reproductive problems, sexual dysfunctions and hip issues.
- The solar plexus chakra is located just below the rib cage this chakra is the expression of ego and reflects our beliefs about how we are seen and accepted within the world regarding our ideas and aesthetics. Disruptions in this chakra can show up as digestive issues, stomach aches or ulcers.
- The heart chakra is located directly above the heart and is the expression of love and our ability to both give and receive support and affection. When this chakra is blocked or imbalanced it is difficult to see the love someone offers without being blinded by suspicion and doubt towards the motives as well as shroud our own love with strings or conditions. This can show up physically as heart burn, heart pain and breathing issues.
- The throat chakra is located in the neck and is the expression of vibration which is related to not only our authentic vocal expression but our listening and respecting the expression of others. Blockages in this chakra often blind us to what another is intending with their words and stops us from saying what we truly wish to express due to fear of rejection. Physically this can develop into thyroid dysfunctions, laryngitis, sore throats and loss of voice or hearing.
- The third eye chakra is located between the brows and forms as we develop our intuition and ability to manifest. This chakra is the expression of the soul as we connect to our inner guidance, imagination, dreams and intuition. Blockages in this chakra usually have to do with our beliefs about the unseen world and self-trust. The more we use our instincts the more they develop and guide us without requiring outside input leading to less self-doubt. Disruptions in this chakra often leave us feeling cut off from inner guidance and can lead to migraines, headaches and nightmares.
- The crown chakra is located at the crown of the head and develops throughout life as we realize that divinity is within and the more we invite it to come forth, the more universal guidance we connect with. This chakra is the expression of the divine as we connect to inspiration and universal knowledge. A blocked crown chakra leaves us feeling lonely, unsupported and full of fear as we drown in our limiting beliefs.
A session takes approximately 90 minutes and includes three parts; a chat where the concerns and reasons for the session are explored, followed by a sound bath with a relaxing energy exchange where universal energy is transferred through the practitioner to the client. The session is closed with a review about the outcome, intuitive feedback or feelings observed throughout the session.
Essential oils are helpful prior and during your session as well as palo santo and crystals which help amplify the energy and visuals throughout the session.
Each and every session is different and unique so the experience within the session is just as personalized. Generally, you will feel like you have had an amazing rest. In some cases, you may feel a bit groggy or euphoric after your session so, it is important to ground yourself with healthy food and a walk on grass or sand and preferably with bare feet.
Avoid scheduling demanding activities for the rest of the day or rushing and refrain from driving for a few hours following your session. Ideally, allow for adequate time to process and integrate your experience but keep in mind that integration and insight might continue for several days following your session.
$150 per session
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I've always been a bit of a skeptic for these type of things. It's hard for me to believe things unless I have some sort of "proof'. I received that in my session with Ali. There were definitely signs that this was working. Things such as tingling, twitching, chills, or warmth that matched the area / chakra she was working on at the moment. I of course couldn't see which area as my eyes were closed. The incense that was burning did not travel the path it had been moving in once she started the session. It came around the corner from another room and focused on the side of me that was being worked on. I also could feel the frequency of the sound bowls in certain parts of my body. One of the most interesting parts of the session was when I felt like I heard someone saying "hello" in my ear. I felt a good tired and a sense of relief after my session. I've also slept very well since then which is very unusual for a girl with insomnia. Ali is professional, kind, and always looking out for your best interests. She makes sure you are comfortable and that nothing goes beyond your comfort zone. Ali also explains everything very well and provides you with additional material for you to learn more after the session.
A reiki session with Ali is like none other. I have had many reiki sessions In the past and none of them compare to the healing and info I get when I have a session with Ali. She goes above and beyond to discover your specific needs and ways/places in which you require healing. She is so knowledgeable and kind I highly recommend booking a session with her!