It starts with AUM (ॐ)

AUM has four parts, each of them important and each of them powerful, layered… and the sum of its parts started my journey in ways I could never have anticipated:
“A” represents the past, the waking state & the physical plane
“U” represents the present, the dream state & the mental plane
“M” represents the future, the deep sleep state & the intelect
It is the silence … the fourth part that has the most magical potential. Silence and the moments between breaths allows for a brief moment where insight and fresh ideas can slip in.
Our minds are so busy with trying to keep up with everything, we are too busy “living” to have an actual life. We rush from place to place and don’t make much time for silent moments. The moments we need in order to be able to listen to our inner guidance and the inner voice that can lead us towards our intended path and life mission. I know about unknown life missions as this is the number one question my clients ask when booking a hypnosis or reiki session.
A life mission isn’t always a solid plan forward, it is illusive and never set in stone as a path; it is a desired destination set by the soul but how we get there as a human being or if we get there is completely up to us. Free will and all.
The practice of AUM can help by providing a practice that allows for a relationship with silence and the side effect is getting a glimpse of the life mission.
Try it! Practice alone or with a guiding sound but try it:
sit in a comfortable position
take a deep breath into the center of you
exhale with the intention of letting go as you sound out AUUUUUUUUMMMM
breath into the silence
exhale with the intention of letting go as you sound out AUUUUUUUUMMMM
breath in and visualize the light within you get brighter each time
exhale with the intention of letting go as you sound out AUUUUUUUUMMMM
breath into the silence
repeat for as long as you can